

Self Publishing: Part 3

Caroline Kaiser Book Editor

When I received Fiona’s cover designs, I was pleasantly surprised by the extent of her creativity and the ease of the entire cover design process. We merged two of her covers into one design, tweaked colors, and a winning cover was born.

For maximum impact, Fiona split the title Brainwash into two words. She also took the images of Darcy and Bullet that I wanted on the cover and created a logo by marrying the two silhouettes to my name.

Then, she inserted the USB into the title, using it as the “I” in “BRAIN.” This set the design tone for the entire series as you will see in future cover designs.

Thrilled with the cover, we moved forward with the spine and back cover designs. Once we settled on a layout for these, Fiona and I worked on an interior design for the book, which would also carry through the entire series.

During the design process, I was also working diligently on trying to find an editor to edit Brainwash. I had contacted six and made little progress. Most were committed far into the future.

After months of searching and email-interviewing editors, I finally received three sample edits. From these three samples, I narrowed my choice to two. The first editor informed me that she was “getting out of the freelance business” and my second choice wanted to sell me a complete proposal on how to self-publish my series, in addition to editing my book. So it was back to the drawing board.

Growing concerned about the amount of lost time, I mentioned my dilemma to Fiona, who recommended editor Arlene Prunkl. But Arlene was committed well into 2014, and at this point I had already spent over six months searching for an editor. The lesson here is to start at least a year in advance to find your editor.

Fortunately for me, Arlene was more than willing to help, and within days of contacting her, she recommended editor Caroline Kaiser. Caroline had a window of time in between editing commitments and agreed to edit Brainwash.

Pleased with Caroline’s work and her ability to draw out the best in me by diplomatically but persistently nudging me to give my all to a scene, a character, or the plot, I produced a book I can be proud of. I hope she will be there for the duration of the series—to edit, to ensure continuity from one book to the next, and as a fellow writer and friend willing to brainstorm with me on future literary endeavors.


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Shotz: Surgery #1

Shotz at the Veterinarian

Saturday, December 2, 2000: The day dawned cold and gray. Shotz loved winter; the cool weather invigorated her. She ripped around the backyard at top speed, happy to have so much room to run free. All morning we had asked her, “Well, what do you want for your sixth birthday?” If she could have answered, I’m sure she would’ve included a swim, even though the thermometer read barely twenty degrees.

Bundled up, my husband and I set to work to clean gutters, the channels overflowing with autumn leaves, cedar debris, and hickory nuts, some ready to sprout. After the morning cleanup, we had plans to take Shotz on a long walk along the trails at Bear Creek in Keller.

In the meantime, she was having a blast tearing through piles of leaves, scattering them everywhere, dragging logs off our woodpile, and dumping them on our back porch.

Years ago, we had terraced our side yard with railroad ties, and there I had planted my vegetable garden. But the only crop thriving in the rows that day was weeds. Once the gutters had been cleaned, weeding was next on our to-do list—but after we three celebrated Shotz’s birthday.

As she had numerous times, Shotz came flying around the corner of the house at record speed, made a U-turn at the pedestrian gate, and started back across this narrow section of lawn. As she reached the halfway point, she jumped onto the first tier of railroad ties, and from there onto the next until she reached the top tier. She leaped across the walkway that separated these two sections. When she landed, she let out an earsplitting cry that cut to my soul, then crumpled into a heap onto the grass.

My husband raced over to help her up, but she stood almost immediately, limped a few feet, then trotted off at a slow but deliberate pace, whining as she disappeared among the shrubs. He ran after her while I checked the area, trying to figure out why she had fallen, but saw nothing except a patch of ice atop one railroad tie. My main concern was to find her and see why she was limping.

I found Dave sitting next to her on the ground. She tried to stand but sat again, all the time whimpering softly. We hoped she had suffered only a bad sprain but later admitted we thought she might’ve broken the leg. However, neither one of us wanted to face that truth.

Dave was covered in mud and dirt from cleaning the gutters, so I agreed to take Shotz to the emergency clinic, less than a ten-minute drive from our house. She could walk, but as soon as we saw her dragging her right leg, Dave picked her up and carried her to our SUV while I went for my keys and wallet.

After waiting for what seemed like hours, the vet at the emergency clinic informed me that Shotz had torn her anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and needed surgery. I could hardly believe what he was saying. He mentioned we’d need a referral from our personal veterinarian, since an orthopedic surgeon would have to do the procedure. I felt terrible for her.

Our vet referred us to Dr. Robert Barstad at the Dallas Veterinarian Surgical Center (DVSC) in McKinney. The center also had a satellite office in Southlake, which was right on the border with Keller and in the same building as the emergency clinic. The center, emergency clinic, and our veterinarian’s office were located next door to each other, which made the office visits convenient.

Then the wait began. We made an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Barstad (through our vet), but he couldn’t see Shotz until December 8. In the meantime, our vet prescribed a painkiller for her. The wait seemed worse for us than her; she managed to keep moving on three legs, occasionally hopping using the fourth, but she tired easily and wasn’t interested in play.

After the December 8 orthopedic examination, we did receive some positive news: Shotz had no signs of hip dysplasia and her overall health was excellent.

On December 13 I dropped her off at the surgical center in Southlake and cried all the way home, praying all would go well with the operation and her recuperation. A half hour or so into the surgery, Dr. Barstad called with unfortunate news: Shotz had not torn her ACL but had a “complete tear of her posterior cruciate ligament.”

Because of the PCL injury, Dr. Barstad suggested a modification of your typical tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO), an experimental procedure he felt would benefit her in the long term. However, he cautioned that the De Angelis repair had a poorer prognosis than a TPLO repair or an ACL procedure. I trusted him, so I gave him the okay to perform a reverse De Angelis repair.

In his December 14 notes to our vet, Dr. Barstad wrote: “80 # test monofilament nylon was placed through a tunnel in the fibular head, wound through the straight patellar tendon just distal to the patella, then down to a tunnel on the caudal/medial edge of the proximal tibial plateau. The simple loop configuration was tied in a taut position, advancing the tibia in an anterior direction. The gracilis muscle was freed and advanced forward onto the patella with tension pulling the tibia anterior. It was sutured at the patella with a reverse fascial band that we dissected free from the lateral retinaculum. These two dynamic advancement flaps provided additional cranial thrust when sutured to the straight patellar tendon. A routine closure was performed, and the leg was placed in a padded wrap.”

He also wrote: “I have seen fewer than 20 of these injuries in my career, and the majority of them [the patients] were hit by cars with the blow of the bumper being focused right on the kneecap. ‘Shotz’ evidently self-inflicted that type of force hitting the railroad tie. The reverse De Angelis repair will improve her function and stabilize the knee, but these dogs never do as well as ACL repairs. If we take it slow and start to swim at the 21-day point, hopefully we will achieve satisfactory function of the leg and hopefully consistent usage by 8-9 weeks.”

After the surgery, we followed Dr. Barstad’s recommendations for Shotz’s recovery to the letter, and all went well until February 24, 2001.



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Gadgets, a techno-thriller novel by Pat Krapf

Almost on the heels of Genocide came the concept for Gadgets. In 1975 I had revisited New Mexico, the state I had fallen in love with during my road trip to Oregon in 1972. Enamored with the Land of Enchantment, I set Gadgets and Brainwash there. As the former product manager for the laser line at CooperVision, I decided the subject matter for Gadgets would be lasers. I then fleshed out the details of the plot by relying on my knowledge of the defense industry, gleaned from working at Northrop Aircraft. When it came to the intricacies of the storyline, the real nuts and bolts, I drew upon my first position at CooperVision as a technical writer. My job was to revise and/or write the company’s operation and service manuals. This focus on small details gave me the expertise to weave a plausible and comprehensive plot. However, what eluded me in Gadgets was the right antagonist to carry out such vicious murders and a sound motive for his revenge. After months of researching these two issues, I finally felt I had the makings of a strong adversary, Paco, and a good motive for him to seek retribution.

In 1992, while still tinkering with Gadgets, I made an afternoon trip to Barnes & Noble to peruse the new book releases. I had become a voracious reader of nonfiction: science, technology, and anything medical. My tour of the bookstore took me to a table of discounted books, where I skimmed several titles on hacking, corporate espionage, robotics, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, and genetics. At $6 a book, I bought all eight of my picks and settled in for some very dry but informative reads. One book in particular, on nanotechnology and robotics, would become the impetus for Brainwash, but not until early 1993.

Throughout 1993 and into 1996, I wrote Brainwash and continued to hone my craft by enrolling in writing and editing classes, attending writers’ conferences, and self-editing the books I had already written. One of the editing classes I enrolled in was taught by Don Whittington, who happened to be a member of the Dallas/Ft. Worth Writers’ Workshop (DFWWW). A requirement for his class was to attend one DFWWW meeting. I had checked into the group at an earlier date, but the thought of reading aloud to over one hundred-plus members intimidated me, so I didn’t attend—big mistake.

Later, at my first meeting, I learned you don’t read to all one hundred members at once but break into smaller groups, depending upon the number of readers on that particular night. You are given twenty minutes—fifteen minutes to read your work, followed by five minutes of critique. You are not permitted to ask questions or speak. This is your opportunity to listen and learn. I joined the following Wednesday, which was (is) when the group meets—every Wednesday. I served on the board twice, and my ten-year membership with the workshop proved invaluable to advancing my writing career.

Before I sign off on this blog post, I would like to thank all of the members of the DFWWW during 1996–2006 for their support and critiques. Without you, the journey would have been twice as long. A special thank-you to fellow authors and friends: Don Whittington, first and foremost, for making attendance at the DFWWW a course requirement; and Jack Ballas, who sat in on my first read and was also the first person to critique my work. He was brutal. Jack passed away in 2012, but I think of him often and fondly, as I do another writer friend who is no longer with us: Linda McKinley. Linda read and critiqued every word of several of my books, not once but twice. And my thanks to Pat Snyder, whose one-sentence critique changed the plot course for Brainwash (unbeknownst then, to her) for the better. I’m indebted.


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